
Your Security


Online Customer Security is Job # 1!

The GeoTrust icon is a well-known symbol of security and is updated daily! The GeoTrust certificate shows an active serial # and validity dates/times and is proof of server security and encryption! 

Another security we use is the world's #1 rated e-commerce platform - Big Commerce. In fact your transaction is protected by the same military-grade security and excryption that the big banks use. The GeoTrust icon above is proof that Mens Wedding Bands is a secured site - not shared - and that we value the protection of our customers!

Our sensitive protection system alerts us to possible fraudulent credit card use at which time we initiate a multi-layered back up detection process including calling you to verify the transaction is legitimate.

If you have any questions, please call us at 801-755-1661.


Thank you,

Mens Wedding Bands, since 2003


If you have ever wondered about just how safe your information is when placing it online - join the club because we have all been concerned and we probably will be as long as we are sharing information that is private and is no one else's business! Our family members who run the Tayloright LLC business share your concerns and that is why we have gone to such extraordinary lengths to ensure that there is absolutely NEVER a compromise when concerning your identity, your personal information, your credit card information or anything else associated with your purchase. We have never - nor will we ever - sell or market your personal information. Period.

Of course online security means more than just not marketing your personal data - although that is also job 1. Online security also means ensuring that hackers and online thieves cannot break through firewalls and encryption codes and algoritisms and steal valuable credit card information that you have worked all of your life to protect! 

Many people are using PayPal these days and we do as well. It adds an added layer of protection when buying online. If a customer has a legitimate dispute - like not receiving the merchandise you ordered or receiving something that resembles the merchandise but is a cheap rendition of it - you can file a claim with PayPal. Once disputed the money is withheld from the merchant until such time as an agreement can be reached and in most cases it is the consumer who is protected - not the online business. Particularly if you are dealing with a legitimate online seller that wants to keep their reputation intact, they will do whatever it takes to maintain a happy customer and a good online reputation. So, general speaking, the risks that we saw years ago have been reduced to simple annoyances these days!

The question is sometimes asked if the security you receive online is as protected as you receive when purchasing an item in the mall or corner store with your credit card. Good question. When shopping in the mall or corner store how many employees actually see your credit card and take a look at the 3 or 4 digit security code on the back of the card? How about how many see the expiration date clearly visible on the front of the card? It is estimated that sometimes a half-dozen employees will have access to this type of private and supposedly secure data. How? Well of course there is the clerk assisting with the purchase and then the till manager and assistant manager and possibly two more managers who might handle all financial transactions. Then these are typically bundled and sent to corporate or at least divisional headquarters for a second set of eyes and final tabulation. One can easily see that there are a number of employees who have access to some pretty sensitive data.

Now let's take a look at a secure online site like where our site is updated for security daily and monitored quarterly for high security clearance. At our site we never even see your credit card number or other details. The way we accept a sale is through our protected backend system where it is virtually impossible for your data to be compromised. An employee from our company ( CANNOT access your credit card number or the credit card expiration date or the 3 or 4 digit security code on the back of your card. We think that is security!