Pinterest and Mens Rings
Pinterest is a social network unlike many others. In short - it allows users or visitors to post or pin their interests - thus "p - interest". This process has become know as 'pinning'. Visitors are interested in what others have pinned and also pin their own interests. We have found that in the wedding category you will see visitors and users pinning a variety of interests such as mens wedding bands, bracelets, wedding gowns, foods and gifts for weddings, bridesmaid interests, wedding shoes and venues and a host of other areas and products that might have interest for those getting married or attending a wedding in the near future.
For our purposed we will focus our insights and observations on a wide variety of mens wedding bands that have become popular pinups on Pinterest. When a visitor or user finds a product or an image of interest they might save it to their own personal board and then their followers will see what they have pinned as well. The more followers to your board, the more clout you have within Pinterest. Want to see the most sought after pin from our site - plese veiw the M740FS as shown below.
Of course there are many other dynamic images that have garnered great interest but the M740FS is the highest ranking pin of any from our large ecommerce site.
Obviously those looking into a wedding type of event or ceremony might have an interest in a wedding band - either for the man or the woman. Mens bands these days are popular in a huge variety of materials ranging from the contemporary metals such as tungsten, titanium, cobalt, black ceramic and zirconium to the more conservative precious metals such as platinum, palladium and gold. And within the material category you might see subsets of those looking for diamond inlays or inlays in some of what we are calling the exotics - dinosaur bone, antler, meteorite and minerals such as shells.
Another factor we have seen in "pins" is color. The stronger the color or image pattern the more pins it is likely to receive. Thus, the M740FS with its pale blue carbon fiber inlays shown above has a higher than average pin rate because quite simply it is "eye catching". Others that are are close followers to this stunning band are listed below - you will see strong color pallets in them as well.
The M710FS is very similar to the M740FS - made by the same company but the M740FS has dual carbon fiver inlays which are not only unique but expensive to duplicate whereas the M710FS has a similar look with less meteorite and the blue inlays are made with a special enamel instead of carbon fiver. It takes a master artisan to inlay the baby blue blue carbon fiber evening around the circumference of the M740FS.
The Z443M is a unique and stunning masterpiece made in the US for and is made with wood inlays and a unique M3Stealth material that is very lightweight and extremely hard - no cracking this substance! We have another half-dozen of this style of ring with different inlays as well - from brown to red - if you are looking for a very light, handsome ring that is unlike all others - this might be the one for you.
Any one of these mens wedding bands are popular and you can see that the color patterns are quite stunning and different. Others that are popular include the rich blue box elder wood inlays and the reddish dinosaur bone inlays. For the entire collection of exotic inlays in a wide variety of patterns, colors, and inlays please visit the link below. Black ceramic is hot - black is hot - and this ring with its stunning bloodred wood inlay complete with ring armor to protect against the elements makes this a true one-of-a-kind heirloom. If you desire a more tame look in KOA - we offer another 30-45 different wood styles in black ceramic or titanium.
Exotic Inlay Collection - the Full Line!
To capture the message - Pinterest is a wonderful medium by which today's savvy buyer can browse through hundreds of style and images while comparing their personal tastes to what is on the world of the internet - and the more you follow the more you get to see a variety of styles and images. And if you are not looking for a mens wedding ring - maybe you can find the perfect idea for a bridesmaid dress or even the perfect gift for the groom and his friends. Pinterest - a whole new world of ideas, images and friendly followers - all desinged to braoden your world view of the things that interest YOU!
Mens Wedding Bands, Since 2003
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