
​Multi-color Men's Wedding Rings

Multi-color Men's Wedding Bands

Wedding ring is the most important possession of a person. As for most of the people purchasing a wedding band is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so people tend to make their selection with great care. Not only women but men also think a lot while making selection for their band. While making the selection for their bands, men tend to consider some of the important features they would like to see in their band. After that, they would make a market research to find out the price of the band with their desired features.

Different types of wedding bands:

Now as the time has changed, so people tend to seek more stylish designs in their bands. Few years back, men prefer to have the bands of gold, silver, white gold and platinum but now most of the people tend to go for titanium and stainless steel bands due to their distinct qualities. Previously, men prefer to have plain and simple looking bands. When titanium and stainless steel bands were introduced, men got attracted towards them due to their simple and plain looks. But now with the change of the fashion, men also look for classy designs and attractive colors in their bands.

As mentioned above, men are opting for titanium and stainless steel bands at the most due to their strength and hypoallergenic qualities. But now men also prefer to attaché colorful gemstones on the top of these wedding bands in order to provide them a classy and colorful look. Not only are they decorated with attaching gemstones but getting these rings coated into many other brilliant colors is also becoming a very common trend among these men.

The general concept about men’s multi-colored bands is that they are available in gold or silver color with brilliant colored gemstones attached on them. These multi-color bands are also becoming very popular among men as their prices are comparatively low as compared to the prices of diamond rings.

The gem stones that are attached on men’s bands include:

  • Rubies
  • Topaz
  • Sapphires
  • Garnet
  • Citrine
  • Peridot stones
  • Amethyst

Different designs and lavish styles are also crafted through these stones on men’s bands.

Each gemstone had different effect on the person wearing it. So, men selected the gemstones according to their suitability. Men also make a choice of these gemstones according to their horoscope.

Wearing these gemstones on your rings could be very colorful but most of the people are worried about the prices of such wedding rings. Well, the prices of these wedding rings mostly depend on the quality of the metal and gemstone used in the band. For example: bands with gold rings would obviously cost more than the bands made from silver. Similarly, the bands made from titanium won’t be very expensive but if expensive gemstones are attached on these bands then their value would become very high.

There is no such restriction in any culture that men can’t wear multi-color bands. In fact, multi-color bands add glamour to the personality of the groom.

30th Apr 2014

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