
Exotic Inlays Mens Titanium Wedding Rings Collection - White Paper

Exotic Inlays Mens Titanium Wedding Rings Collection - White Paper

Customers ask us from time to time for more information regarding the Custom Titanium rings we carry with Exotic Inlays. We hope this White Paper might give a more detailed look into the world of fashion jewelry as it pertains to Exotic Inlays such as Hardwood, Antler, Meteorite, and Dinosaur Bone.


Remember that the exquisite beauty of wood is inherent in its natural variation - bamboo, Asian Sindora, Olive, Box Elder, Burl, Ash, Leopard, Vitae, Buckeye, Hawaiian KOA, Bloodwood, Ebony, Oak, Redwood, and others. We have found that even two pieces of the same species of wood can vary in natural color and wood quality which in turn affects the final finished piece. Although most piece of wood from the same species have very similar patterns, one cannot be assured that 2 rings made from the same piece of Redwood for example wil look identical. The finished piece might vary by a slight degree in color, wood pattern or it might look like an entirely different species of wood depending upon where the tree grew. As a general rule of thumb it is wise to accept the fact that no 2 rings in this collection will look the same - your piece will be as individual as you are.


Antlers are similar to wood in that no 2 rings will EVER be the same even when crafted from the same piece of antler. Why? There are really many reasons but the main reason is that different coloration in antlers depends primarily on the amount of oxidized blood on/in the antlers (from velvet shedding) and partly from a chemical reaction between the blood and juices from plants on which the antlers have been rubbed. When a buck rubs his antlers before the velvet and blood have completely dried, the blood stains the antler and gives it a darker color.

Another factor is tree specie. The predominant species of trees in an area also influence the color; for instance Pines typically cause darker antlers, likely from bucks rubbing on exposed sap after they break the tree's cambium layer.

A buck's genetics - as might be expected - might also influence color. In our research and processes we have observed that some bucks are predisposed to having lighter or darker antlers, and in many cases rub more on a fewer variety of trees.

And finally, a buck's age can play a role. Older bucks tend to rub more than younger ones. Combined with the time of year and the age of the buck, color is influenced because antlers generally lighten over time due to the bleaching effect of moisture, sunlight and extreme winter conditions.

Want a ring that is more mainstream, more predictable? You might want to select from one of our other collections. This collection is truly designed for the man who wants different. Who is comfortable wearing a ring that nobody else will ever have. Ever!


Most of our meteorite rings are from the Gibeon meteorite that fell in prehistoric times in Namibia. It was named after the nearest town: Gibeon, Namibia. The term Gibeon encompasses the whole meteoritic material fallen from the sky during this fall. This material is classified as iron meteorite belonging to the chemical group IVA. Gibeon meteorites are composed of an iron-nickel alloy containing significant amounts of cobalt and phosphorus. The crystal structure of this meteorite provides a classic example of fine octahedrite and the Widmanstatten pattern is appreciated for its beauty both by collectors and designers of jewelry. You can see why no two rings will ever be the same. Meteorite is for the most discerning customer - please realize that although we come as close to matching the pictures as possible, your ring will be different, it will be a different color, it will look different than anything else we have EVER produced. If you want to be certain that the ring you order is exactly like the ring pictured, this collection is not for you.

Note ... Meteorites do contain some nickel therefore if you have a nickel allergy please be aware that this could cause an allergic reaction if it is placed directly against the skin.

Dinosaur Bone

Dinosaur bone is extremely rare! It is an agatized stone called Gembone, the color is determined by the combination of minerals present when the fossilized bone formed; that’s what makes each piece so unique and beautiful. This is one reason why our stock is always changing, as we use what we have and then have to acquire more; however we are not always sure what the color will be of the new piece till we cut into the Gembone. One of a kind? Absolutely!! Want an exact replica of the pictured ring? Impossible. No two are the same and they never will be. That is what makes this collection so unique and so high in demand.


Mens Titanium Wedding Rings

5th Feb 2014

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