How durable are Mens Tungsten Wedding Rings
How durable are Mens Tungsten Wedding BandsIn that tungsten rings are the hotest fashion to hit the ring industry in decades, it stands to reason that there will continue to be added a variety of cool styles over time to this potent collection. Black diamonds have been added as have white and black tungsten and recently Triton introduced a brand new style - the black & white tungsten line. People are starting to ask about these new additions - will they last as long as the original "permane
5th Jun 2012
Can mens titanium wedding rings last as long as a tungsten with permanent shine?
Can mens titanium wedding rings last as long as a tungsten with permanent shine?If you have seen the new contemporary metal rings on the market today you have seen the latest styles called permanent shine materials. Tungsten rings and mens titanium wedding rings have this characteristic but truly the tungsten have the reputation as the longest lasting shine of all contemporary metal rings. Although titanium is made to last a lifetime, they do not have the hardness of the tungsten to lo
4th Jun 2012
Buy once - buy right - mens wedding rings can be deceiving!
Buy once - buy right - mens wedding rings can be deceiving!We've all heard to buy once and buy right - does this apply to purchasing a men's wedding rings such as gold or one of the newer contemporary metals such as cobalt or titanium?We believe so - you can find $30 rings on eBay most of which are overseas knockoffs with no warranties and no guarantee as to the manufacturing process. Then there are the patented models with a guarantee as to how many processes are involved in the finishing
3rd Jun 2012
Are the new mens tungsten wedding rings really as durable as they say they are?
Are the new mens tungsten wedding bands really as durable as they say they are?Tungsten carbide rings have a reputation for being the most durable, bullet-proof, mens rings on the planet. How did they get that reputation? Can they break? Can they be scratched? Do they deserve not only their sterling reputation but do they really have their long-term place in men’s fashions secured?First of all, there is not a ring anywhere in existence that cannot be broken or damaged or scratched. Never go
1st Jun 2012
How does ceramic compare to mens tungsten wedding rings?
How does ceramic compare to mens tungsten wedding bands?When comparing a tungsten ring to a ceramic ring there are many similarities and a few differences. Both types of materials are so hard that they take a diamond polishing machine to complete the final product. What does that mean for the consumer? A ring that is virtually scratch proof. Not completely but almost. If treated carefully and with respect these two mens fashions should last longer than a lifetime!Ceramic rings can be made i
1st Jun 2012